The day is definately getting longer. There is still sunshine at 5pm and it can only gets longer till about 10pm at the height of summer. That of course, is aided by having daylight saving during summer.
Not from where we live, about 10 mins walk up Whiteladies Road is an area known as the "downs". It is a weird name as it is no a valley or a low point but is on top of a hill on a pleatue. It is wonderful, I remember the first time I saw the downs when I was on a bus . When the bus reached the top of Whiteladies Road, all you see is a vast green space with pockets of trees scattered throughout the downs. There were people walking their dogs, walking and jogging. There are about 10 soccer fields at some part of the downs and it is bigger than any park i have encounted in Brisbane.
Tan and I walked for about 1 1/2hrs yeasterday. It was a cloudy day and the temperature was about 8 degree. Everytime before I leave the house I would visit the BBC website and check what the teamperature and the wind speed of Bristol is. Since living here, I have also been pre-occupied with the weather.
This is a blog about my adventure in the old country, England and whatever grabs my attention at the time. PS. Please excuse my spelling and grammer and my drifting thoughts.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Car Hunting
I went to the car auction in Bristol last Thursday with a friend. It was an interesting place. Might try out the auctions back in Brisbane for my next car. In England they have this thing called a MOT. Any car over 3 years old will have to have a MOT every year. I guess MOT is equivalent to a safety certificate (road worthy) in Queenland but the different is that you only need a safety certificate in Queenland if you are selling your car but you will need a MOT done on your car every year in the UK. If you car doesn't pass the MOT then you will have to fix the parts which failed. I believe that it is a great system and ensures that the cars on the road are road worthy and also you have a guage of the milage of a particular car as it will be recorded on the MOT every year.
With that in mind, at the auction, we only looked at cars which have MOT certificate and service record. I believe that with those two, you are more likely to not buy a lemon.
The auction was a very intresting place. We were they just for an hour and there were a myrid of cars to bid on all from old to new, dump to perfect condition. A car went for $200 and another could have gone for £15,000. You will find large and small cars.
The auction itself happens so quickly. A few bids and the the next car will be driven in and the process goes on. I could have brought at 1995 VW golf for £800. It was so easy, just raise your hand and the car is yours. I didn't buy it in the end coz i made it a point of not buying anything on my first visit. I think I bid on a Rover 214Si too but it went for £1700, £200 more than what i was prepared to pay.
At the end of that a friend told us that he have a car he wants to sell to us. It is a 1996 Peugeot 306 1.9L Diesel turbo. He is selling it for only $800 which is a bargin. It has about 106,000 miles on the clock. I have taken it for a test drive and hopefully Tan can have a drive later today.
I have always wanted a french car. I also liked the Renault Clio.
I also wanted to drive a diesel and now i will have a chance. The test drive was good. I like the car but will have to get use to the heavy clutch and the heavy accelerator. Also, the diesel engine sounds different to any petrol cars i have driven.
I like the car. it has tape player, sunroof, immobiliser, power windows and is 5 door. If everything goes fine the we will have the car next week.
I went to the car auction in Bristol last Thursday with a friend. It was an interesting place. Might try out the auctions back in Brisbane for my next car. In England they have this thing called a MOT. Any car over 3 years old will have to have a MOT every year. I guess MOT is equivalent to a safety certificate (road worthy) in Queenland but the different is that you only need a safety certificate in Queenland if you are selling your car but you will need a MOT done on your car every year in the UK. If you car doesn't pass the MOT then you will have to fix the parts which failed. I believe that it is a great system and ensures that the cars on the road are road worthy and also you have a guage of the milage of a particular car as it will be recorded on the MOT every year.
With that in mind, at the auction, we only looked at cars which have MOT certificate and service record. I believe that with those two, you are more likely to not buy a lemon.
The auction was a very intresting place. We were they just for an hour and there were a myrid of cars to bid on all from old to new, dump to perfect condition. A car went for $200 and another could have gone for £15,000. You will find large and small cars.
The auction itself happens so quickly. A few bids and the the next car will be driven in and the process goes on. I could have brought at 1995 VW golf for £800. It was so easy, just raise your hand and the car is yours. I didn't buy it in the end coz i made it a point of not buying anything on my first visit. I think I bid on a Rover 214Si too but it went for £1700, £200 more than what i was prepared to pay.
At the end of that a friend told us that he have a car he wants to sell to us. It is a 1996 Peugeot 306 1.9L Diesel turbo. He is selling it for only $800 which is a bargin. It has about 106,000 miles on the clock. I have taken it for a test drive and hopefully Tan can have a drive later today.
I have always wanted a french car. I also liked the Renault Clio.
I also wanted to drive a diesel and now i will have a chance. The test drive was good. I like the car but will have to get use to the heavy clutch and the heavy accelerator. Also, the diesel engine sounds different to any petrol cars i have driven.
I like the car. it has tape player, sunroof, immobiliser, power windows and is 5 door. If everything goes fine the we will have the car next week.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Some more random thoughts
Hi all
Finally.. Once again.. i have so much on my mind. I think too much but don't do enough. It is like reading alot, and knowing about facts, truths? and what does it benefit if you don't take action and change and do things differently after you have read something. Sometimes we take comfort in the fact that we are knowledgable but what's the use if it justs stays in our head but have not reach our hearts which should then causes us to do something about it.
I've always like the saying "Innorance is bliss". The more you know about something the more you are troubles but alot of times, we know something but we put it behind and not do anything about it.
I dunno why i start writing about this suddenly. I guess i have been reading about our supermarket, the food quality of the food we eat. I have just been reading a bit on the guardian website and there is a book published by one of their journalist. It is called Not on the Label: What Really Goes into the Food on Your Plate. I haven't read it yet but have just read stuff about it on the internet where people have highlighted intresting facts from the book. There are quite a few books out there about supermarkets and their growing power.
On the subject of supermarkets, why are they doing so well? price.. we all like cheap stuff, i do.. who doesn't? and prices of food seems to be dropping.. heck, prices of most things seems to be dropping which goes against inflation.
The thing is, with cheap prices, there has to be a catch, someone, somewhere along the supply chain have to lose out, I just don't think that the company (supermarket) themself are the one. The corporations don't just sell it cheap out of the goodness of their heart, they have to look after their shareholder.
Most of the time, the primary producers and even the consumers ultimately because the quality of the product/produce are decreasing.
But we enjoy our low prices, the government enjoys it too coz it keeps inflation down and the people are happy.
This is a very difficult subject. would i want to pay higher prices so that the farmers/producers gets a fair share of the market by buying my stuff from the vege shop or the butchers? We can just turn a blind eye and not to know where our stuff comes from and like alot of people out there, we have to look after ourself first.
I am not sure if i am making senses. I guess not working and having too much time is the culprit. I spend too much time thinking.
Finally.. Once again.. i have so much on my mind. I think too much but don't do enough. It is like reading alot, and knowing about facts, truths? and what does it benefit if you don't take action and change and do things differently after you have read something. Sometimes we take comfort in the fact that we are knowledgable but what's the use if it justs stays in our head but have not reach our hearts which should then causes us to do something about it.
I've always like the saying "Innorance is bliss". The more you know about something the more you are troubles but alot of times, we know something but we put it behind and not do anything about it.
I dunno why i start writing about this suddenly. I guess i have been reading about our supermarket, the food quality of the food we eat. I have just been reading a bit on the guardian website and there is a book published by one of their journalist. It is called Not on the Label: What Really Goes into the Food on Your Plate. I haven't read it yet but have just read stuff about it on the internet where people have highlighted intresting facts from the book. There are quite a few books out there about supermarkets and their growing power.
On the subject of supermarkets, why are they doing so well? price.. we all like cheap stuff, i do.. who doesn't? and prices of food seems to be dropping.. heck, prices of most things seems to be dropping which goes against inflation.
The thing is, with cheap prices, there has to be a catch, someone, somewhere along the supply chain have to lose out, I just don't think that the company (supermarket) themself are the one. The corporations don't just sell it cheap out of the goodness of their heart, they have to look after their shareholder.
Most of the time, the primary producers and even the consumers ultimately because the quality of the product/produce are decreasing.
But we enjoy our low prices, the government enjoys it too coz it keeps inflation down and the people are happy.
This is a very difficult subject. would i want to pay higher prices so that the farmers/producers gets a fair share of the market by buying my stuff from the vege shop or the butchers? We can just turn a blind eye and not to know where our stuff comes from and like alot of people out there, we have to look after ourself first.
I am not sure if i am making senses. I guess not working and having too much time is the culprit. I spend too much time thinking.
Monday, January 10, 2005
2nd day of 2005 - Wiltshire and Oxford
The second day of the new year. Today, well not really today, this happened about a week ago.. I am going to recount the story and if it happened today. Today was a perfect day, it was sunny for a change but normally, it is cold when it is cloudless. I used to wear sunglasses all the time in Australia but since I have been in England, I have never wore them even once. I am not even sure when I have put them.
Today, our journey takes us to one of England's most famous landmark, Stonehenge. Before Stonehenge though, we fist drive to the town of Avebury, which is another town where stones circle is found and it is more remarkable then stonehenge in that there are more stones, and the stones are so spread out that they built a town within the stone circle. They even have a motorway which goes thru the town and the stones.
I have never heard of Avebury until I stumbled across it while looking for places to visit in Wiltshire in the Lonely planet.
Having not heard of Avebury, I didn't have any expectation or pre-conception of the visit. It is sometime a good thing and we can be suprised. It is same with movies, sometime we go and watch a movie which we know nothing about and more than often, we are glad we watch it.
When we reached the public car park which is about 0.5km from the town centre which is in the middle of the stones. I was suprised that we have to pay £1 for parking. As usual we didn't have any loose change and thought that we will buy something in town and pay the £1 later when we return to our car, which we did, even though it was a Sunday and we didn't really think that there would be an inspector checking for parking ticket to be displayed on the dash.
Next to the car park is a soccer field and there were people arriving for a game there that morning. I was amazed. Imagine playing soccer next to the largest stone circle in Europe. Well from the playing field you can't see the stones because of the external bank but it is so near to ancient site.
From what I have read, you can't get near to the stones at Stonehenge but at Avebury, you can walk among them and touch them. It was incredible, all the stone standing there surrounded by a ditch and a bank. Naturally we took some photos and we also walked up to the bank. The stones at Avebury are said to be older than the stones at stonhenge. There are also less tourist too at Avebury. We found that out when we reached our second destination, Stonehenge.
We were driving along motorway A360 knowing that we were getting close to the famous stones. I then noticed a big parking lot coming up to our left and felt that that was it. Then out of nowhere, there it is, on the right futher down the road. We drove into the car park and park our car. The car park was quite full and there were a few tourist buses there too.
Stonehenge just stands there out in the middle of no where with two motorway nearby. Initially I thought we have to cross the motorway to get to the stone but soon realised that they are smart enough to build a tunnel for the tourist to get to the stone.
We then had to line up and pay £5.20 each to see the stone. It is not cheap especially if you convert it back to Aussie dollar. It was then i realised that we could join and be members of English Heritage for £58 for a couple per year and get free access to Stonehenge and other 400 historic sites all over the UK. I believe it is a good deal as most historic sites requires a fee. We will probably join it after we get our car.
Realisticlly, you don't have to buy a ticket to see Stonehenge. You could cross the road and see Stonehenge thru the barb wire fence. You are not much futher away than the people who paid. We thought we would pay and by paying you get access to the recording guide thingi and we get to walk around the stone.
I guess Stonehenge is more impressive as the stones are larger and some somes are stacked ontop of other stones. I think I enjoyed the two stones equally and recommend the two stones to people.
I am forever impressed with the English countryside. I still can't belive how green the grass is. I am constantly reminded of how old things are over here, how much culture there are in this place. It is still a mystery why the stones were erected. I hope that i don't start to take my surrounding for granted. It is easy to lose the feeling of being in awe.
From Stonehenge we made our way to Oxford. With more than half the day gone and with the sun setting at around 4pm, we know that we won't have time to really explore Oxford fully but still I wanted to get a glimpse/taste of Oxford.
Oxford is a little town, smaller than Bristol but the buildings are incredible, especially the colleges. We managed to find a parking in one of the many parking station/building around the city centre. We gave ourself only 1 hour and so we just walked along the mall and visit the Carfex Tower in town.
We had to pay a few pounds to enter and we had to climb little spireling stairs to get to the top. The view is great and it gives you an idea of where things are and what oxford looks like. You get about a 300 degree view of Oxford.
We will definately visit Oxford again some other time perhaps staying there overnight. I think it takes a whole day to fully appreciate Oxford. Oxford, Stonehenge, Bath and London seems to be the places most tourist visits when they visit England.
On the way back from Oxford, I was planning to drive thru the villages in an area know as the Cotswolds but I got lost on the road and we somehow ended up on the M40, the main highway between London and Birmingham.
In England, they have ring roads around most decent size city which is a good idea, as traffic can bypass the city and thus helps with congestion within the city. The bad thing was that the Signs are confusing. I can't wait for the M25, the largest ring road in UK which surrounds London.
I can't believe I was lost and ended up on the busy M40. It was frustrating. Unlike Australia where towns are far and few in between major cities, the reverse is true here. We were able to go on the smaller roads and was able to drive to the Cotswolds. I don't think one could really get lost in England, there is always another road somewhere.
The town of Burford is unforgettable, even when it was dark when we passed by. The houses on the main street is just charming. We will visit again one day. I also wanted to visit Burton-on-the-water and several other towns in the Cotswolds. The good thing is that they are only about 1hr away and when we get our car, we can go there for walks and picnic on the weekend.
That's the end of the day. We didn't visit all the towns as planned due to the longer than expected (but plesantly suprised) stay at Avebury and the wrong turn at Oxford's ring road, but I am happy with the quality of the sites. I just can't wait for summer when the days are much longer so we can fit in more quantity and quality sight seeing.
Today, our journey takes us to one of England's most famous landmark, Stonehenge. Before Stonehenge though, we fist drive to the town of Avebury, which is another town where stones circle is found and it is more remarkable then stonehenge in that there are more stones, and the stones are so spread out that they built a town within the stone circle. They even have a motorway which goes thru the town and the stones.
I have never heard of Avebury until I stumbled across it while looking for places to visit in Wiltshire in the Lonely planet.
Having not heard of Avebury, I didn't have any expectation or pre-conception of the visit. It is sometime a good thing and we can be suprised. It is same with movies, sometime we go and watch a movie which we know nothing about and more than often, we are glad we watch it.
When we reached the public car park which is about 0.5km from the town centre which is in the middle of the stones. I was suprised that we have to pay £1 for parking. As usual we didn't have any loose change and thought that we will buy something in town and pay the £1 later when we return to our car, which we did, even though it was a Sunday and we didn't really think that there would be an inspector checking for parking ticket to be displayed on the dash.
Next to the car park is a soccer field and there were people arriving for a game there that morning. I was amazed. Imagine playing soccer next to the largest stone circle in Europe. Well from the playing field you can't see the stones because of the external bank but it is so near to ancient site.
From what I have read, you can't get near to the stones at Stonehenge but at Avebury, you can walk among them and touch them. It was incredible, all the stone standing there surrounded by a ditch and a bank. Naturally we took some photos and we also walked up to the bank. The stones at Avebury are said to be older than the stones at stonhenge. There are also less tourist too at Avebury. We found that out when we reached our second destination, Stonehenge.
We were driving along motorway A360 knowing that we were getting close to the famous stones. I then noticed a big parking lot coming up to our left and felt that that was it. Then out of nowhere, there it is, on the right futher down the road. We drove into the car park and park our car. The car park was quite full and there were a few tourist buses there too.
Stonehenge just stands there out in the middle of no where with two motorway nearby. Initially I thought we have to cross the motorway to get to the stone but soon realised that they are smart enough to build a tunnel for the tourist to get to the stone.
We then had to line up and pay £5.20 each to see the stone. It is not cheap especially if you convert it back to Aussie dollar. It was then i realised that we could join and be members of English Heritage for £58 for a couple per year and get free access to Stonehenge and other 400 historic sites all over the UK. I believe it is a good deal as most historic sites requires a fee. We will probably join it after we get our car.
Realisticlly, you don't have to buy a ticket to see Stonehenge. You could cross the road and see Stonehenge thru the barb wire fence. You are not much futher away than the people who paid. We thought we would pay and by paying you get access to the recording guide thingi and we get to walk around the stone.
I guess Stonehenge is more impressive as the stones are larger and some somes are stacked ontop of other stones. I think I enjoyed the two stones equally and recommend the two stones to people.
I am forever impressed with the English countryside. I still can't belive how green the grass is. I am constantly reminded of how old things are over here, how much culture there are in this place. It is still a mystery why the stones were erected. I hope that i don't start to take my surrounding for granted. It is easy to lose the feeling of being in awe.
From Stonehenge we made our way to Oxford. With more than half the day gone and with the sun setting at around 4pm, we know that we won't have time to really explore Oxford fully but still I wanted to get a glimpse/taste of Oxford.
Oxford is a little town, smaller than Bristol but the buildings are incredible, especially the colleges. We managed to find a parking in one of the many parking station/building around the city centre. We gave ourself only 1 hour and so we just walked along the mall and visit the Carfex Tower in town.
We had to pay a few pounds to enter and we had to climb little spireling stairs to get to the top. The view is great and it gives you an idea of where things are and what oxford looks like. You get about a 300 degree view of Oxford.
We will definately visit Oxford again some other time perhaps staying there overnight. I think it takes a whole day to fully appreciate Oxford. Oxford, Stonehenge, Bath and London seems to be the places most tourist visits when they visit England.
On the way back from Oxford, I was planning to drive thru the villages in an area know as the Cotswolds but I got lost on the road and we somehow ended up on the M40, the main highway between London and Birmingham.
In England, they have ring roads around most decent size city which is a good idea, as traffic can bypass the city and thus helps with congestion within the city. The bad thing was that the Signs are confusing. I can't wait for the M25, the largest ring road in UK which surrounds London.
I can't believe I was lost and ended up on the busy M40. It was frustrating. Unlike Australia where towns are far and few in between major cities, the reverse is true here. We were able to go on the smaller roads and was able to drive to the Cotswolds. I don't think one could really get lost in England, there is always another road somewhere.
The town of Burford is unforgettable, even when it was dark when we passed by. The houses on the main street is just charming. We will visit again one day. I also wanted to visit Burton-on-the-water and several other towns in the Cotswolds. The good thing is that they are only about 1hr away and when we get our car, we can go there for walks and picnic on the weekend.
That's the end of the day. We didn't visit all the towns as planned due to the longer than expected (but plesantly suprised) stay at Avebury and the wrong turn at Oxford's ring road, but I am happy with the quality of the sites. I just can't wait for summer when the days are much longer so we can fit in more quantity and quality sight seeing.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Microsoft anti-spyware, virus and TV tuner card
Today (Sunday) is, I think a typical winter day. The is no sun and it is raining. A perfect day to be staying at home. Tan is doing some adjustment to the pants she bought during the sales which started on Boxing day while I am on the computer researching TV tuner cards and reading the Sunday newspaper. There are heaps of newpaper here in the UK. I personally enjoy reading the Times and the guardian online and it is FREE. I like free stuff. I only buy newspaper on Sunday and sometimes on Saturday.
While browsing, I came across Microsoft's antispyware software. I installed it and am currently performing a deep scan. It also comes with real-time protection which is a bonus.
I am paranoid about spyware and thus have installed ad-aware SE peronal edition and Spybot search and destroy on my PC and I scan for spyware at least a few times a week. I even use Firefox for my general surfing. Firefox has features not found on IE such as TABs which is great. If you haven't tried firefox, I wholeheartly recommend it. Because of IE's dominance, some website are optimize for IE and thus won't display properly on Firefox. When I encounter this then it is just a simple matter of copying the address and then open IE and pasting the address into IE. In effect, I only use IE if I have to.
I have seen people's computer who doesn't have antispyware software installed. I reckon that out there, there are heaps of people without any spy ware detection software. You can't really blame them can you? Not everyone is aware of what's out there. Not everyone is interested in computer. The computer is SOO different to any other appliances people buy. Is computer an appliance? A computer especially one with internet connection need constant maintenance, much like a car. The computer breaks down, just like a car. The computer can have accidents (virus) just like a car.
When you think about it, you bring your car for service at set intervals, why not your computer? Perhaps there is a great market out there for a company which specialise in maintaining computers such as updating people's antispyware and virus software. Think of the thousands of people who jumped on the broadband bandwagon. Some of them just have a free modem from their ISP. I belive that having a modem is not enough, it is recommended to install a router as well. If not a physical router, at least install a firewall on your PC. Why not have both, a physical firewall and a firewall on your PC like me? I think i am a freak but you can't never be too careful.
Talking about virus protection, there are two free products out there which provides free updates over the net and I think you can get the updates from most CD/DVD which comes with computer Magazine. They are Avast and AVG.
The MOST important thing with virus protection and antispyware program is that you HAVE to keep them up-to-date. It is no use just having them. If you are like me, then you probably would have bought a computer with free anti-virus software and free updates for a few months. After that, if you pay your subscription then you are safe, but like me, no way would i pay for subscription as there are free virus software out there as mentioned in the previous paragraph.
The microsoft antispyware program just finished its scan and detected just a "threat". It would be fun running it for the first time on some unprocted PC and finding thousands of threats. hmmm. I am sick.. hmm
Out of the three antisypware program I have installed I think I like Microsoft's Interface. It is as easy to use as Ad-Aware. Because of my paranoia, I will be keep all of them and update and scan my PC with each one, one at a time.
TV tuner
Back to TV tuner card. At the moment, we don't have a TV and as we are here temporary. I don't think buying a TV is sensible, it just adds to our possesion which is still growing!!. Therefore, having a laptop already, all I need is a USB TV tuner card which would turn my laptop into a TV. Right now for news we watch BBC news over the net. I am quite impress with BBC news. From the news player, you can also access weather, sport and their radio stations which are broadcasts over the net. CBS and Channel nine (Australia) also have FREE news over the net. Most other network requires subscribtion.
During the day I normally have Bristol GWR Bristol FM in the background.
Back to TV Tuner :). The things in the UK is that there is now digital TV available and it is known as Freeview. It comes with 30 TV channel and 20 radio channel. The channels includes the 5 which you would get from the current analog system. I belive freeview is only SD quality. I don't really care what quality it is right now. Any channel is better than nothing and I don't have the necessary equipment to take advantage of HD anyway.
In light of that, It would be sensible and logical to get a Digital TV tuner for my laptop because I will be able to get all the 30 TV channel which includes the 5 which comes with standard analogue. The only catch is that digital TV is highly dependant on the quality of the signal which could be affected by the area you are in, the condition of your aerials and/or the wiring etc.
Because of that, if I get a digital TV tuner, I might only be able to get a few channels and not the whole 30. I guess I can return the tuner if it doesn't work and just get an analogue Tuner which is cheaper. There is this Lifeview TV walker DUO which is the first USB 2 based digital and analogue capable tuner. I think it is about £100 at the moment. ATI also has a product which is capable of receiving analogue and digital signal but it is only available on the PCI interface. I think in the not too distance future, we might see more duo product being offered on the USB interface as laptops are as common as PC. I remember, a few years ago, laptop sales in Australia outnumbered desktop.
I think I will wait a bit longer to see what people say of the lifeview walker DUO. I might not be able to wait and just spruge on a digital TV tuner.
While browsing, I came across Microsoft's antispyware software. I installed it and am currently performing a deep scan. It also comes with real-time protection which is a bonus.
I am paranoid about spyware and thus have installed ad-aware SE peronal edition and Spybot search and destroy on my PC and I scan for spyware at least a few times a week. I even use Firefox for my general surfing. Firefox has features not found on IE such as TABs which is great. If you haven't tried firefox, I wholeheartly recommend it. Because of IE's dominance, some website are optimize for IE and thus won't display properly on Firefox. When I encounter this then it is just a simple matter of copying the address and then open IE and pasting the address into IE. In effect, I only use IE if I have to.
I have seen people's computer who doesn't have antispyware software installed. I reckon that out there, there are heaps of people without any spy ware detection software. You can't really blame them can you? Not everyone is aware of what's out there. Not everyone is interested in computer. The computer is SOO different to any other appliances people buy. Is computer an appliance? A computer especially one with internet connection need constant maintenance, much like a car. The computer breaks down, just like a car. The computer can have accidents (virus) just like a car.
When you think about it, you bring your car for service at set intervals, why not your computer? Perhaps there is a great market out there for a company which specialise in maintaining computers such as updating people's antispyware and virus software. Think of the thousands of people who jumped on the broadband bandwagon. Some of them just have a free modem from their ISP. I belive that having a modem is not enough, it is recommended to install a router as well. If not a physical router, at least install a firewall on your PC. Why not have both, a physical firewall and a firewall on your PC like me? I think i am a freak but you can't never be too careful.
Talking about virus protection, there are two free products out there which provides free updates over the net and I think you can get the updates from most CD/DVD which comes with computer Magazine. They are Avast and AVG.
The MOST important thing with virus protection and antispyware program is that you HAVE to keep them up-to-date. It is no use just having them. If you are like me, then you probably would have bought a computer with free anti-virus software and free updates for a few months. After that, if you pay your subscription then you are safe, but like me, no way would i pay for subscription as there are free virus software out there as mentioned in the previous paragraph.
The microsoft antispyware program just finished its scan and detected just a "threat". It would be fun running it for the first time on some unprocted PC and finding thousands of threats. hmmm. I am sick.. hmm
Out of the three antisypware program I have installed I think I like Microsoft's Interface. It is as easy to use as Ad-Aware. Because of my paranoia, I will be keep all of them and update and scan my PC with each one, one at a time.
TV tuner
Back to TV tuner card. At the moment, we don't have a TV and as we are here temporary. I don't think buying a TV is sensible, it just adds to our possesion which is still growing!!. Therefore, having a laptop already, all I need is a USB TV tuner card which would turn my laptop into a TV. Right now for news we watch BBC news over the net. I am quite impress with BBC news. From the news player, you can also access weather, sport and their radio stations which are broadcasts over the net. CBS and Channel nine (Australia) also have FREE news over the net. Most other network requires subscribtion.
During the day I normally have Bristol GWR Bristol FM in the background.
Back to TV Tuner :). The things in the UK is that there is now digital TV available and it is known as Freeview. It comes with 30 TV channel and 20 radio channel. The channels includes the 5 which you would get from the current analog system. I belive freeview is only SD quality. I don't really care what quality it is right now. Any channel is better than nothing and I don't have the necessary equipment to take advantage of HD anyway.
In light of that, It would be sensible and logical to get a Digital TV tuner for my laptop because I will be able to get all the 30 TV channel which includes the 5 which comes with standard analogue. The only catch is that digital TV is highly dependant on the quality of the signal which could be affected by the area you are in, the condition of your aerials and/or the wiring etc.
Because of that, if I get a digital TV tuner, I might only be able to get a few channels and not the whole 30. I guess I can return the tuner if it doesn't work and just get an analogue Tuner which is cheaper. There is this Lifeview TV walker DUO which is the first USB 2 based digital and analogue capable tuner. I think it is about £100 at the moment. ATI also has a product which is capable of receiving analogue and digital signal but it is only available on the PCI interface. I think in the not too distance future, we might see more duo product being offered on the USB interface as laptops are as common as PC. I remember, a few years ago, laptop sales in Australia outnumbered desktop.
I think I will wait a bit longer to see what people say of the lifeview walker DUO. I might not be able to wait and just spruge on a digital TV tuner.
Friday, January 07, 2005
A funny story
While we are talking about router/modem etc, I thought i should share this story. About a month ago, I receive a call from my mum. She said that her internet is not working. I am concern initially because I set it up for her using a Billion 5100 ADSL router/modem. Her ISP is Telstra/Bigpond.
She said that the ADSL is not working because she had changed plans with Telstra and thus will need to change the password on the router. Which is strange, because all she is doing is to change from an unlimited plan to a limited plan, I thought they could set it all up on the router at Telstra's end without need my mum to change her password. And as the Billion is not bought from Telstra, they said that they can't support the modem and suggest that she buy a crappy router/modem from Telstra.
She had her next door neighbour come over and talking to the tech support at Billion to try to put in the new password without success.
I was seriously thinking of getting some of my old work mate to come over to help my mum with the router because I thought that even if i get on the phone and walk my mum throught it, she might not be able to do it.
To my utter suprised, we manage to get the ADSL connection working. I am so proud of my mum. I even got her to type in CMD and then pinging various ip addresses. :)
The funniest thing in the whole episode is that when i asked her to default the router by inserting a pin in the reset hole at the back, she was stuffing something into the hole marked "console".
It was strange that when i asked her to reset the router, it didn't work and she said that she is using something to press the hole at the back. Finally, after feeling a bit frustrated at the router which won't reset, i searched the web to see what a billion 5100 looked like. That was when i discovered that she was pressing the wrong hole at the back. hmm
After she pressed the reset button, the router reset and i walked her through setting up her internet connection.
Hmm, i don't think i got her to change the password on the router. I will have to call her tonight to do that.
She said that the ADSL is not working because she had changed plans with Telstra and thus will need to change the password on the router. Which is strange, because all she is doing is to change from an unlimited plan to a limited plan, I thought they could set it all up on the router at Telstra's end without need my mum to change her password. And as the Billion is not bought from Telstra, they said that they can't support the modem and suggest that she buy a crappy router/modem from Telstra.
She had her next door neighbour come over and talking to the tech support at Billion to try to put in the new password without success.
I was seriously thinking of getting some of my old work mate to come over to help my mum with the router because I thought that even if i get on the phone and walk my mum throught it, she might not be able to do it.
To my utter suprised, we manage to get the ADSL connection working. I am so proud of my mum. I even got her to type in CMD and then pinging various ip addresses. :)
The funniest thing in the whole episode is that when i asked her to default the router by inserting a pin in the reset hole at the back, she was stuffing something into the hole marked "console".
It was strange that when i asked her to reset the router, it didn't work and she said that she is using something to press the hole at the back. Finally, after feeling a bit frustrated at the router which won't reset, i searched the web to see what a billion 5100 looked like. That was when i discovered that she was pressing the wrong hole at the back. hmm
After she pressed the reset button, the router reset and i walked her through setting up her internet connection.
Hmm, i don't think i got her to change the password on the router. I will have to call her tonight to do that.
wireless and scams and footballers
Recently i have installed a Belkin wireless ADSL model/router. I am quite concern that will many more people going the wireless route and have no idea on how to secure their wireless network.
I recently saw an unsecured network which i was able to join and use the internet. I felt bad about it and stopped using it. As they didn't change the their SSID, i was able to tell the make of their router. Having been assigned an IP address and a gateway by the DHCP server, i was able to log into the router with the default password.
It felt funny. Here i am on someone's router. I can be nasty and reboot their router and/or kick the other users out using the MAC address filtering. I wanted to find out who they were and to help them secure their network but didn't know how to.
They since have secured their newtork with a key but i think they are using WEP.
I have just found this article about the danger of having unprotected wireless network. It talks about a spammer getting access to unprotected network and using it to send spam and thus hiding his identity.
For myself, i am using WPA and turned on and apply MAC address filtering. I think the most important thing is to turn off SSID and also to change your defaul passowrd.
I even changed restricted my ip address range and used a non standard subnet mask. Wireless is great but you have to wonder how secure they are.
This new USB 54mb g wireless key/card that came with my router/modem i believe is quite unreliable, it drops out once in a while. i am not sure if it is the card or that the router is having problems. i sometime found that i have to power cycle the router to have my wireless connection established.
I was tempted to use my old reliable PCMCIA 11mb b wireless card but then it can't do WPA encryption. Am I being paranoid? coz even if i use WEP 64 bit, i have MAC address filtering turned on. But the thing is that using a weak encryption, someone can break it and thus get access to the packets and will then beable to get the ip address and MAC address <- is this correct?
Also, who whould go to such trouble? All i have is an internet connection.
Another annoying thing which is happening in the UK is that there are companies out that which phones people up and then telling them that they have won a prize and to claim the prize they will have to call a number, which is a premium number, costing like i think 50p per minute or something ridiculous.
The thing is that the first time i got the call, i thought i was listening to a real person. It is a recorded message which sounds so real it is not funny. you can find out it is not real when u try to say something and it just keeps going on and on. I have to say, it is quite convincing. I had since received about 5 such calls. One even claim that it is from a radio station, radio 5 or something, i can't remember the radio number. That radio number turns out to be a real radio station but of course, the call was a scam.
It is quite clever really and could easily prey on unsuspecting people. I am not sure if stuff like this is happening in Australia.
People preying on the innocent just makes me sick. But then what business don't prey on the innocent? I am sure we have all been seduced by their advertising/marketing. We live in a materialistic world. It is very hard to get away from it.
Everyone or most people know that I love football. I play it as a player and also am a fan and follow it. I guess, i am concern about the amount of money player earns. This prob apply not just to football but to other sports and entertainment where people earn obscene amount of money just because the rest of us need our leisure.
How can football earns so much? isn't because most of us subscribe to sky tv so we can watch football game. We buy the marchandise and watch the games in the stadium. it is same with movies. we all go to the movies to get away from the reality of life. We read books and do many other things for leisure.
Going back to football, personally I feel good for a while if my team wins and if they lose, i feel bad for a little while. If my team wins the championship, I might feel better for a bit longer. The point is, how does it profit me if my team wins or lose? if they win, do i get a share of the prizemoney? what do i get from it? a feeling but what can the feeling translate to in real life? That's the point isn't it, that we want to get away from real life but real life is REAL.
Why are we so obssess with celebrity? I was just thinking. Imagine, everyone stop going to a few football matches and stop subscribing to SKY sport for a little while. I wonder what that would do to the sport? I am sure other poeple have the same gripe about how much footballer makes and how uneven the money is spread around.
After saying all that, I would still like to go to Liverpool and visit and watch a game at Goodison Park and maybe own an Everton jersey.
I recently saw an unsecured network which i was able to join and use the internet. I felt bad about it and stopped using it. As they didn't change the their SSID, i was able to tell the make of their router. Having been assigned an IP address and a gateway by the DHCP server, i was able to log into the router with the default password.
It felt funny. Here i am on someone's router. I can be nasty and reboot their router and/or kick the other users out using the MAC address filtering. I wanted to find out who they were and to help them secure their network but didn't know how to.
They since have secured their newtork with a key but i think they are using WEP.
I have just found this article about the danger of having unprotected wireless network. It talks about a spammer getting access to unprotected network and using it to send spam and thus hiding his identity.
For myself, i am using WPA and turned on and apply MAC address filtering. I think the most important thing is to turn off SSID and also to change your defaul passowrd.
I even changed restricted my ip address range and used a non standard subnet mask. Wireless is great but you have to wonder how secure they are.
This new USB 54mb g wireless key/card that came with my router/modem i believe is quite unreliable, it drops out once in a while. i am not sure if it is the card or that the router is having problems. i sometime found that i have to power cycle the router to have my wireless connection established.
I was tempted to use my old reliable PCMCIA 11mb b wireless card but then it can't do WPA encryption. Am I being paranoid? coz even if i use WEP 64 bit, i have MAC address filtering turned on. But the thing is that using a weak encryption, someone can break it and thus get access to the packets and will then beable to get the ip address and MAC address <- is this correct?
Also, who whould go to such trouble? All i have is an internet connection.
Another annoying thing which is happening in the UK is that there are companies out that which phones people up and then telling them that they have won a prize and to claim the prize they will have to call a number, which is a premium number, costing like i think 50p per minute or something ridiculous.
The thing is that the first time i got the call, i thought i was listening to a real person. It is a recorded message which sounds so real it is not funny. you can find out it is not real when u try to say something and it just keeps going on and on. I have to say, it is quite convincing. I had since received about 5 such calls. One even claim that it is from a radio station, radio 5 or something, i can't remember the radio number. That radio number turns out to be a real radio station but of course, the call was a scam.
It is quite clever really and could easily prey on unsuspecting people. I am not sure if stuff like this is happening in Australia.
People preying on the innocent just makes me sick. But then what business don't prey on the innocent? I am sure we have all been seduced by their advertising/marketing. We live in a materialistic world. It is very hard to get away from it.
Everyone or most people know that I love football. I play it as a player and also am a fan and follow it. I guess, i am concern about the amount of money player earns. This prob apply not just to football but to other sports and entertainment where people earn obscene amount of money just because the rest of us need our leisure.
How can football earns so much? isn't because most of us subscribe to sky tv so we can watch football game. We buy the marchandise and watch the games in the stadium. it is same with movies. we all go to the movies to get away from the reality of life. We read books and do many other things for leisure.
Going back to football, personally I feel good for a while if my team wins and if they lose, i feel bad for a little while. If my team wins the championship, I might feel better for a bit longer. The point is, how does it profit me if my team wins or lose? if they win, do i get a share of the prizemoney? what do i get from it? a feeling but what can the feeling translate to in real life? That's the point isn't it, that we want to get away from real life but real life is REAL.
Why are we so obssess with celebrity? I was just thinking. Imagine, everyone stop going to a few football matches and stop subscribing to SKY sport for a little while. I wonder what that would do to the sport? I am sure other poeple have the same gripe about how much footballer makes and how uneven the money is spread around.
After saying all that, I would still like to go to Liverpool and visit and watch a game at Goodison Park and maybe own an Everton jersey.
New Year holidays - 1 day
I wanted to start from the beginning which is Christmas and the days leading up to christmas but since the New Years holidays is still fresh in my mind, I will recount my new year holidays first.
Firstly, I am glad that we bought the lonely planet guide to Britian, without it, it would be difficult trying to work out where to go. There are so many places to visit in UK alone. Imagine the whole of Europe!! When you start to list the places you want to visit then the task becomes daunting. I don't think/believe that I can visit all the places in the world. I remember Tan, being a practical and focus woman, asking me to list out where we (more of where I want to go) want to go. I start to list out some places in europe and then my attention would focus on Asia, Africa and South America.
When you think about it, as King Solomon, the wisest man on earth lamented in Ecc 1:8 "All things are wearisome, more than once can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing", we will never fully be satisfy. there are always more places to see and to visit. I guess one must be sensible to realise that time and finances is not on our side and to prioritise the places one really wants to visit.
Tan also points out another intresting point "What does one gain with seeing all the sights? (my paraphrase)". For one thing, it is not going to feed you when you grow old. I guess there is a balance, should one settle down and start to build for the future or wonder around the world seeing fantastic sights and not prepared for the future.
The future is something we cannot predict and our well laid plans could be gone just like that. I guess, for me, I want to live life and to have an adventure when we can. I guess Tan, being a woman (I am generalising) wants security.
Sorry about that.. back to our adventures during the New Year holidays. Well we, when I say we, it is mainly "I", as I am the one who is doing the planning for our holidays and where we go. I would say "wow, isn't that building nice, look at that cathedral", Tan would just say "IT is ok, they all look the same".
So.. as we don't have a car yet. We hired a car from Hertz for 4 days starting from New year's eve on Friday and returning the car on Tuesday morning. Tan still had to work on Friday. We booked the cheapest car from a reputable car hiring company namely Hertz. We seems to alway rent from hertz, we rented from there in NZ and when we were in Canberra. I normally seems to only get quotes Hertz, Avis, National and budget. and most of the time Hertz has the best rates.
We hired a Ford Ka or equivalent which could be a Smart car fourtwo. I am not sure if you have come across the Smart car? I think it was designed by Mercedes and Swatch (yes the watch maker). I was secretly hoping that we won't get either of those cars and get upgraded to something with a bit more grunt. The Ford Ka has a 1.1L engine I think. The smart car is too eye catching even for me.
It was exciting having car, we could buy things we otherwise won't be able to. On Friday when i picked up the car, they have upgraded us to a Hyundai Getz. Still a small car but with four doors and a 1.3L engine. The car has only done around 300mils, thus a practical brand new car. I was trhills and exciting as i got behind the wheels, at the same time I a bit worried about driving in the UK for the first time with small congested streets, different rules and signs and different drivers attitude.
The first place I went to was IKEA. I brought a portable cloth line/hanger/rack so that we can dry our cloths in our bathroom without having to go to the laundrette all the time. The second item is an ironing board. I then went to Tesco and did a big grocery shopping.
Shopping in UK is similar to Australia. The big 4 supermarkets here are Tesco, ASDA-Walmart, Sainsbury and Morrison-Safeway. Our local shop here is a Sainsbury which is a 5 mins walk. ASDA is supposely to be the cheapest follow by Tesco. Sainsbury is not that cheap in comparison.
One major differences with the shopping here is that all the supermarkets has their own brand. like Coles having home-brand and Woolworth having ???? i can't remember what Woolworth's homebrand is called. Anyway, home brand is a big thing here and their homebrand has different quality level of goods for the same thing. Like tesco has normal Tesco brand and finest, which is a bit dearer then normal tesco stuff but are cheaper than other brands.
The second thing is that the packaging of the home-brand products are impressive, in many case they have better packing than the other brands. In Australia the reverse is true.
We normally shop home brand whether it is Sainsbury, Tesco or ASDA. They are cheaper and quality is similar to other brands.
Enough of grocery shopping. So, in effect, we have 3 days of exploring with our car. I didn't really want to stay in a hotel/motel and didn't want to travel far, just our surrounding area by going in a loop and finishing back in Bristol.
The first day, which is New Year Saturday, I decided to visit Wales, South Eastern Wales. Bristol is very close to Wales thanks to the two bridges which crosses the Severn river? and it only takes 45mins to get to Cardiff across the bridges. The catch is that you have to pay a toll of $4.80 into Wales but you are not required to pay toll on the way back. It is a one way toll.
So, not wanting to pay the toll and as this is a holiday we decided to drive to Gloucester, which is at the mouth of the river and thus were able to get to Wales on land without crossing the river. We plotted our course on the website and it tells you the approximate travel time. The site is similar to .
By going around the river, the journey to Cardiff takes about 2 1/2 hours but we didn't care as we were not planning to go to Cardiff directly. It is not easy planning a trip as you are not sure how long it is going to take. I wanted to go all the way to Swansea but glad that we didn't. We just didn't have enough time.
Finally, we decided to drive pass Gloucester, stop at Monmouth, thru the Black Mountains to Brecon and then down to Cardiff and to Bristol via the Bridge.
Gloucester is a small town, the drive was nice and plesant, I think because of New Year, there weren't many cars around. The national speed limit in UK is as follows, 40m/h in built up area, 60m/h in highway and 70m/h in multi lane highway. In town, they have their own signs like 50 or 30m/hr.
The weather for the day was patchy showers but the morning was fine. After gloucester we arrived at Monmouth and into Wales. The thing that struck us was that on every sign there are two languages, Wales and English. It was cute. Monmouth is small and there is nothing much here. They did have a public toilet which was open :) .
We took a few pictures of Monmouth and continued on our merry way. Brecon is our next stop. Brecon is like the main stop for the black mountains. The black mountains is a great place for hiking and all sort of outdoor activity. Because it is a mountain, I was expecting a drive like one to Springbrook national park on the Gold Coast Hinterland where there are rainforests and the roads are small, windy and in some place steep.
I couldn't be more wrong, the tress are low and the road is straight, most of the way and brecon didn't seem to be too high. Brecon is a pretty little town with pretty old stone built houses. We visited the cathedral and walked around the narrow road in town. It also started to rain.
On the way to Cardiff, we decided to take another route, which is what we decided, as we are doing a circuit/round and it is most logical to not take the same road twice, so you get to see twice as many sights.
We passed by the outskirt of Merthy Tydfil. A pretty large town. This highway is even straighter and wider. No wonder, the lonely planet said that lots of people from london drives to brecon for weekends. This highway joins the M4 and goes straight to London.
In the UK, most roads doesn't have name but number which I think they are trying to implement in Australia. It makes it easier to get around and I think we remember numbers easier than names. I am not sure, i can't remember either that well.
Cardiff is beautiful, with the imposing millenium Staduim and the Castle. It was raining heavily so we decided not to stop and won return another time. It is dangerous to have not stopped at a given place because I think as a general rule, you have to assume that you will not go back to a place ever again. Therefore, you should always assume that it is the last time you visiting the place. As I say before, there are soooo many places to see and visit.
On the way back, we passed by the new bridge. It was great, I always likes bridges and buildings. I belive it is a suspension bridge. on the new bridge you can see the old bridge, which is still in use. We will be using the second bridge the second time we cross the Severn.
As usual, on many return trips, Tan will be sleeping in the passange sit. It is a nice sight.
I really enjoy driving again. Especially a newish car. I guess we were spoilt in Brisbane and I do miss my old car dearly. We are facing a delimma. We want to buy a newish car now, instead of a 5-10 year old car.
Initially we were thinking of paying cash for a $1000-$2000 car. But then, if we were planning to sell the car later, wouldn't it make more sense to borrow money and buy a 2-3 year old car which has already experiences most of its depreciation. It is always better to buy on borrowed money than to use cold cash.
Anyway, needless to say, we were buggered at the end of the day. When we got back, I started to plan for the next day. I decided to visit a bit of Wiltshire, taking in the world famous stonehenge, oxford, the not so famous other stones at Avebury and the beautiful villages at the Cotswolds.
Firstly, I am glad that we bought the lonely planet guide to Britian, without it, it would be difficult trying to work out where to go. There are so many places to visit in UK alone. Imagine the whole of Europe!! When you start to list the places you want to visit then the task becomes daunting. I don't think/believe that I can visit all the places in the world. I remember Tan, being a practical and focus woman, asking me to list out where we (more of where I want to go) want to go. I start to list out some places in europe and then my attention would focus on Asia, Africa and South America.
When you think about it, as King Solomon, the wisest man on earth lamented in Ecc 1:8 "All things are wearisome, more than once can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing", we will never fully be satisfy. there are always more places to see and to visit. I guess one must be sensible to realise that time and finances is not on our side and to prioritise the places one really wants to visit.
Tan also points out another intresting point "What does one gain with seeing all the sights? (my paraphrase)". For one thing, it is not going to feed you when you grow old. I guess there is a balance, should one settle down and start to build for the future or wonder around the world seeing fantastic sights and not prepared for the future.
The future is something we cannot predict and our well laid plans could be gone just like that. I guess, for me, I want to live life and to have an adventure when we can. I guess Tan, being a woman (I am generalising) wants security.
Sorry about that.. back to our adventures during the New Year holidays. Well we, when I say we, it is mainly "I", as I am the one who is doing the planning for our holidays and where we go. I would say "wow, isn't that building nice, look at that cathedral", Tan would just say "IT is ok, they all look the same".
So.. as we don't have a car yet. We hired a car from Hertz for 4 days starting from New year's eve on Friday and returning the car on Tuesday morning. Tan still had to work on Friday. We booked the cheapest car from a reputable car hiring company namely Hertz. We seems to alway rent from hertz, we rented from there in NZ and when we were in Canberra. I normally seems to only get quotes Hertz, Avis, National and budget. and most of the time Hertz has the best rates.
We hired a Ford Ka or equivalent which could be a Smart car fourtwo. I am not sure if you have come across the Smart car? I think it was designed by Mercedes and Swatch (yes the watch maker). I was secretly hoping that we won't get either of those cars and get upgraded to something with a bit more grunt. The Ford Ka has a 1.1L engine I think. The smart car is too eye catching even for me.
It was exciting having car, we could buy things we otherwise won't be able to. On Friday when i picked up the car, they have upgraded us to a Hyundai Getz. Still a small car but with four doors and a 1.3L engine. The car has only done around 300mils, thus a practical brand new car. I was trhills and exciting as i got behind the wheels, at the same time I a bit worried about driving in the UK for the first time with small congested streets, different rules and signs and different drivers attitude.
The first place I went to was IKEA. I brought a portable cloth line/hanger/rack so that we can dry our cloths in our bathroom without having to go to the laundrette all the time. The second item is an ironing board. I then went to Tesco and did a big grocery shopping.
Shopping in UK is similar to Australia. The big 4 supermarkets here are Tesco, ASDA-Walmart, Sainsbury and Morrison-Safeway. Our local shop here is a Sainsbury which is a 5 mins walk. ASDA is supposely to be the cheapest follow by Tesco. Sainsbury is not that cheap in comparison.
One major differences with the shopping here is that all the supermarkets has their own brand. like Coles having home-brand and Woolworth having ???? i can't remember what Woolworth's homebrand is called. Anyway, home brand is a big thing here and their homebrand has different quality level of goods for the same thing. Like tesco has normal Tesco brand and finest, which is a bit dearer then normal tesco stuff but are cheaper than other brands.
The second thing is that the packaging of the home-brand products are impressive, in many case they have better packing than the other brands. In Australia the reverse is true.
We normally shop home brand whether it is Sainsbury, Tesco or ASDA. They are cheaper and quality is similar to other brands.
Enough of grocery shopping. So, in effect, we have 3 days of exploring with our car. I didn't really want to stay in a hotel/motel and didn't want to travel far, just our surrounding area by going in a loop and finishing back in Bristol.
The first day, which is New Year Saturday, I decided to visit Wales, South Eastern Wales. Bristol is very close to Wales thanks to the two bridges which crosses the Severn river? and it only takes 45mins to get to Cardiff across the bridges. The catch is that you have to pay a toll of $4.80 into Wales but you are not required to pay toll on the way back. It is a one way toll.
So, not wanting to pay the toll and as this is a holiday we decided to drive to Gloucester, which is at the mouth of the river and thus were able to get to Wales on land without crossing the river. We plotted our course on the website and it tells you the approximate travel time. The site is similar to .
By going around the river, the journey to Cardiff takes about 2 1/2 hours but we didn't care as we were not planning to go to Cardiff directly. It is not easy planning a trip as you are not sure how long it is going to take. I wanted to go all the way to Swansea but glad that we didn't. We just didn't have enough time.
Finally, we decided to drive pass Gloucester, stop at Monmouth, thru the Black Mountains to Brecon and then down to Cardiff and to Bristol via the Bridge.
Gloucester is a small town, the drive was nice and plesant, I think because of New Year, there weren't many cars around. The national speed limit in UK is as follows, 40m/h in built up area, 60m/h in highway and 70m/h in multi lane highway. In town, they have their own signs like 50 or 30m/hr.
The weather for the day was patchy showers but the morning was fine. After gloucester we arrived at Monmouth and into Wales. The thing that struck us was that on every sign there are two languages, Wales and English. It was cute. Monmouth is small and there is nothing much here. They did have a public toilet which was open :) .
We took a few pictures of Monmouth and continued on our merry way. Brecon is our next stop. Brecon is like the main stop for the black mountains. The black mountains is a great place for hiking and all sort of outdoor activity. Because it is a mountain, I was expecting a drive like one to Springbrook national park on the Gold Coast Hinterland where there are rainforests and the roads are small, windy and in some place steep.
I couldn't be more wrong, the tress are low and the road is straight, most of the way and brecon didn't seem to be too high. Brecon is a pretty little town with pretty old stone built houses. We visited the cathedral and walked around the narrow road in town. It also started to rain.
On the way to Cardiff, we decided to take another route, which is what we decided, as we are doing a circuit/round and it is most logical to not take the same road twice, so you get to see twice as many sights.
We passed by the outskirt of Merthy Tydfil. A pretty large town. This highway is even straighter and wider. No wonder, the lonely planet said that lots of people from london drives to brecon for weekends. This highway joins the M4 and goes straight to London.
In the UK, most roads doesn't have name but number which I think they are trying to implement in Australia. It makes it easier to get around and I think we remember numbers easier than names. I am not sure, i can't remember either that well.
Cardiff is beautiful, with the imposing millenium Staduim and the Castle. It was raining heavily so we decided not to stop and won return another time. It is dangerous to have not stopped at a given place because I think as a general rule, you have to assume that you will not go back to a place ever again. Therefore, you should always assume that it is the last time you visiting the place. As I say before, there are soooo many places to see and visit.
On the way back, we passed by the new bridge. It was great, I always likes bridges and buildings. I belive it is a suspension bridge. on the new bridge you can see the old bridge, which is still in use. We will be using the second bridge the second time we cross the Severn.
As usual, on many return trips, Tan will be sleeping in the passange sit. It is a nice sight.
I really enjoy driving again. Especially a newish car. I guess we were spoilt in Brisbane and I do miss my old car dearly. We are facing a delimma. We want to buy a newish car now, instead of a 5-10 year old car.
Initially we were thinking of paying cash for a $1000-$2000 car. But then, if we were planning to sell the car later, wouldn't it make more sense to borrow money and buy a 2-3 year old car which has already experiences most of its depreciation. It is always better to buy on borrowed money than to use cold cash.
Anyway, needless to say, we were buggered at the end of the day. When we got back, I started to plan for the next day. I decided to visit a bit of Wiltshire, taking in the world famous stonehenge, oxford, the not so famous other stones at Avebury and the beautiful villages at the Cotswolds.
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Weather and other things
I guess i don't update my blog very often. and when i do i tend to write a whole heap. i think this tells me a bit about myself. i tend to do thing with a large burst of energy. which could also explain, especially with studies why i am mostly a last minute person. i don't think i can schedule a time for entering blog every day. I don't think i can stick to the schedule. Maybe I can.. it can become a habit. I was told that habits are formed if you do something about 15 times? So, if i keep blogging at a specific time of the day for 15 days then it will become second nature. I can just imagine myself doing it.. NOT
The problem with not blogging at a regular interval is that you have sOOO much you want to say and i dunno where to start. even if i do start somewhere, things will start to pop into my mind and as a result it will be one huge incoherent mess.
I think i will break it down by topics which would makes sense. I might also repeat myself but who doesn't?
On the topic of repeating oneself, should we interrupt people when they are recalling some facts/stories which you have heard from the before? should we just pretend that we haven't heard it before and let the speaker enjoy themself as they try to recount their tales?
First of. The weather in England, Bristol, not England because even though england might be a small country the weather varies. I, we (Tan agrees on this point) are happy that we are in Bristol. We were looking at the calander the other day and noticed that day light saving starts in March, which means that winter is ending soon. We already had the shortest day of the year last month and things, weather wise, could only get better.
So Far, (things might change during the second half of winter), I thought that the winter is not bad. I was expecting much worse. It is not terribly cold except for a few days and when you are under-dress. I like it here. So Far. I think i have to say so far because we have only been here for about 1 1/2 months. It hasn't really rained that much yet. and generally temp is around 5-11 during the day. We bought a 13.5 TOG duvet, so as long as we are under cover, we are fine at night.
The british has a standard of measuring the warmth of duvets using TOGs. I am not sure what it stands and it range from 7 to 15. 13.5 then is just nice. it could get a bit warm in the summer maybe? we should find that out in a few months time.
The problem with not blogging at a regular interval is that you have sOOO much you want to say and i dunno where to start. even if i do start somewhere, things will start to pop into my mind and as a result it will be one huge incoherent mess.
I think i will break it down by topics which would makes sense. I might also repeat myself but who doesn't?
On the topic of repeating oneself, should we interrupt people when they are recalling some facts/stories which you have heard from the before? should we just pretend that we haven't heard it before and let the speaker enjoy themself as they try to recount their tales?
First of. The weather in England, Bristol, not England because even though england might be a small country the weather varies. I, we (Tan agrees on this point) are happy that we are in Bristol. We were looking at the calander the other day and noticed that day light saving starts in March, which means that winter is ending soon. We already had the shortest day of the year last month and things, weather wise, could only get better.
So Far, (things might change during the second half of winter), I thought that the winter is not bad. I was expecting much worse. It is not terribly cold except for a few days and when you are under-dress. I like it here. So Far. I think i have to say so far because we have only been here for about 1 1/2 months. It hasn't really rained that much yet. and generally temp is around 5-11 during the day. We bought a 13.5 TOG duvet, so as long as we are under cover, we are fine at night.
The british has a standard of measuring the warmth of duvets using TOGs. I am not sure what it stands and it range from 7 to 15. 13.5 then is just nice. it could get a bit warm in the summer maybe? we should find that out in a few months time.
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