Hi all
Finally.. Once again.. i have so much on my mind. I think too much but don't do enough. It is like reading alot, and knowing about facts, truths? and what does it benefit if you don't take action and change and do things differently after you have read something. Sometimes we take comfort in the fact that we are knowledgable but what's the use if it justs stays in our head but have not reach our hearts which should then causes us to do something about it.
I've always like the saying "Innorance is bliss". The more you know about something the more you are troubles but alot of times, we know something but we put it behind and not do anything about it.
I dunno why i start writing about this suddenly. I guess i have been reading about our supermarket, the food quality of the food we eat. I have just been reading a bit on the guardian website and there is a book published by one of their journalist. It is called Not on the Label: What Really Goes into the Food on Your Plate. I haven't read it yet but have just read stuff about it on the internet where people have highlighted intresting facts from the book. There are quite a few books out there about supermarkets and their growing power.
On the subject of supermarkets, why are they doing so well? price.. we all like cheap stuff, i do.. who doesn't? and prices of food seems to be dropping.. heck, prices of most things seems to be dropping which goes against inflation.
The thing is, with cheap prices, there has to be a catch, someone, somewhere along the supply chain have to lose out, I just don't think that the company (supermarket) themself are the one. The corporations don't just sell it cheap out of the goodness of their heart, they have to look after their shareholder.
Most of the time, the primary producers and even the consumers ultimately because the quality of the product/produce are decreasing.
But we enjoy our low prices, the government enjoys it too coz it keeps inflation down and the people are happy.
This is a very difficult subject. would i want to pay higher prices so that the farmers/producers gets a fair share of the market by buying my stuff from the vege shop or the butchers? We can just turn a blind eye and not to know where our stuff comes from and like alot of people out there, we have to look after ourself first.
I am not sure if i am making senses. I guess not working and having too much time is the culprit. I spend too much time thinking.
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