Monday, January 31, 2005

A lovely stroll in the park - yesterday

The day is definately getting longer. There is still sunshine at 5pm and it can only gets longer till about 10pm at the height of summer. That of course, is aided by having daylight saving during summer.

Not from where we live, about 10 mins walk up Whiteladies Road is an area known as the "downs". It is a weird name as it is no a valley or a low point but is on top of a hill on a pleatue. It is wonderful, I remember the first time I saw the downs when I was on a bus . When the bus reached the top of Whiteladies Road, all you see is a vast green space with pockets of trees scattered throughout the downs. There were people walking their dogs, walking and jogging. There are about 10 soccer fields at some part of the downs and it is bigger than any park i have encounted in Brisbane.

Tan and I walked for about 1 1/2hrs yeasterday. It was a cloudy day and the temperature was about 8 degree. Everytime before I leave the house I would visit the BBC website and check what the teamperature and the wind speed of Bristol is. Since living here, I have also been pre-occupied with the weather.


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